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πŸ›  Methodology Assignment 4

The goal of this MA is to have you start thinking about your Quarter 2 Project Proposal. But first, you need to be aware of what the proposal entails. Before proceeding, make sure to read the entirety of the Quarter 2 Project Proposal specifications. (That document takes the place of Methodology Lesson 7, too.)

Submit this assignment to Gradescope by Sunday, November 13th at 11:59PM. Post questions with the assignment, and the Quarter 2 Project Proposal more generally, here.

Your job for this MA is to write a few sentences on each of the prompts below. You will enter your answers directly on Gradescope. Answer them individually, even though you will work on the actual proposal in groups.

  1. What is the most interesting topic covered in your domain this quarter?
  2. Describe a potential investigation you would like to pursue for the Quarter 2 Project.
  3. What is a potential change you would like to make to the approach taken in your current Quarter 1 Project?
  4. What other techniques/methods would you be interested in using in your project?

Your mentors will use your answers to these prompts to structure a discussion around possible proposals in Week 8. In Week 8’s discussion, you should be prepared to share your answers to these prompts with the peers in your section.

Note: If you are in a domain where the Quarter 2 Project is already determined, this is still a useful (and mandatory) exercise. Do not just answer with the project you think you are doing; give the questions thought and respond with possible related projects that you could work on if you get to go further than expected with your current project or if your currrent project doesn’t pan out. All data scientists must have the ability to develop topics of investigation given a dataset and some domain knowledge.